Dr. Barry’s mission was always simple: help people find their dignity, realize their potential, and live lives of health and wholeness. From his early days with the Peace Corps in Africa, to teaching in rural Alaska, to his passionate work in natural healing, he stayed true to that mission.
Today our family is honored to offer you Dr. Barry’s Eclectic Remedies, may they enhance your journey toward health and wholeness.
A new solution to further engage first-time visitors
The digital marketing strategy has been recognized by several industry awards, including the Northern eCommerce Awards in which Little Mistress was shortlisted for Best eCommerce search/marketing campaign.

Driving more revenue year after year.
The digital marketing strategy has been recognized by several industry awards, including the Northern eCommerce Awards in which Little Mistress was shortlisted for Best eCommerce search/marketing campaign.
Increase In sales
Going above and beyond to increase organic brand visibility achieving 146% over target.
Increase in Organic Search traffic.