There’s so much to love about summertime in Nantucket. And there’s no better way to take in the beautiful landscape, historic architecture, and salty ocean breeze than by cruising the island on your bike. Growing up this was our favorite part about going to Nantucket. But getting to the beach with a towel, book, and sandwich required a sturdy bike basket, and we could never find one to last more than one season that didn’t take also take all of the hard-earned cash from our summer jobs!
Creative Campaigns that are all about performance.
Due to the fun, enjoyable service that Freedome offer, we have been able to create a number of visual, engaging campaigns that perform particularly well across the key social channels where their target audiences reside.
Increase in revenue generated from social channels

Supporting users online
Exceeding revenue goals
Achieving a strong increase in revenue during a challenging year for the travel industry.
ROI on pure profit from Search Marketing.