Establishing a market leading health & wellness brand online.


In Spring of 2017, we were assigned a college class project to create an idea that solved a problem we faced. That problem? Warm beer!

We all had expensive coolers that could keep our drinks cold for 3 weeks, but we never used them to keep our drinks cold for 3 hours! They were too bulky to carry, and getting ice each time was a hassle. So, we would just grab a cold case from the store and just drink it as it got warm. That’s when it hit us: if we’re already getting a cold case from the store, why not just keep it cold for the entire time we’re actually going to enjoy it? The concept behind the Kase Mate was born: a soft cooler that slides around a cold case of beer, and keeps it cold for up to 7 hours without the need for ice!

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Increasing revenue in a year of uncertainty

Instant improvements were delivered across sitespeed, mobile performance, conversion rates and subsequent average cost per acquisition.


Immediate revenue uplift


Increase in Organic Search traffic.

Organic Search

Going above and beyond to increase organic brand visibility - achieving 146% over target.


Increase in Paid Search traffic

Paid Search

The perfect paid search strategy to compliment organic - achieving 104% over target.

Pet accident cleanup in a snap!