Sprinkle & Sweep is a profoundly new approach to pet accident cleanup at home.
Pet Accidents Happen.. but cleaning them doesn't have to stink so bad! We’ve all been there, carrying that dripping mound of pee soaked paper towels. And worse yet – feeling that oh so wonderful warmth of a liquidy poo with pungent odor bursting through a stack of toilet tissue, as the breath hold becomes just too unbearable to go on. It doesn’t have to be this difficult to address those inevitable pet accidents indoors!
Grow online sales with a focus on profit margin
Improving visibility
Through a combined search strategy, we improved visibility for a number of broader holiday terms and delivered a return on investment.
over revenue target

Improved digital experiences
A new, industry-leading website for Halton Housing that focuses on commercial performance whilst ultimately meeting the needs of their customers and internal stakeholders.
improvement in eCommerce conversion rate.